
Brotherhood Auxiliary
“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and he delighteth in his way.” Psalms 37:23
We are grateful to an omnipotent God for his bountiful blessing. I am humbly thankful to serve as the president of the Brotherhood Auxiliary, and I would like to thank President Clark for this opportunity, his prayers and support.
The Mission Statement of the Brother states that we are “an organized entity functioning under the direction of the local Baptist churches, districts, states and national convention existing to make bold witnesses to the agenda of the Kingdom of God through servant hood. Further that we are to enlist all men for Christ, to be bold witnesses through mandate given in Matthew 28:18-20, to foster a bond between all men throughout the world.
Our mission statement must be a strong course of study that enables men to grasp our spirituality and bring about the ability to enlist others to follow our Christ. We need strong men to combat the many ills which exist in our society that lead to desperation and destruction. Please join in with our Brotherhood movement.
We pray that the Holy Spirit will do his perfect work in all of our lives, and we take on this challenge.
With Brotherly Love,
Albert L. Black
About the Brotherhood
The St. John District Brotherhood Auxiliary is to collectively design, develop and implement programs and ministries to unity and strengthen all men and boys of the Association; thereby reaching the masses and bridging the gap for the unification of the kingdom’s agenda.
Purpose: To deepen the Spirituality of men…To promote religious intelligence…To cultivate Christian Fellowship…To win the lost to Christ
Teach the word in the home with a consecrated heart following in the footsteps of the savior leading all men to God.
Bro. Albert L. Black, President
Bro. Verdell Canady, 1st Vice President
Bro. Don Day, 2nd Vice President
Rev. James Ockleberry, 3rd Vice President
Bro. Kevin Moore, 4th Vice President
Bro. Robert Shepard, Young Ambassadors
Bro. Patrick L. Caldwell, Rec. Sec./Prog. Coord
Bro. Floyd Henson, Asst. Secretary
Bro. Sheldon Lamey, Asst. Secretary
Bro. Willie Wright, Financial Secretary
Rev. Raymond McClintock, Corr. Secretary
Rev. Harold Keyes, Dir. of Educ. & Street Ministry
Rev. James Rivers, Treasurer
Rev. Jeffrey Richard, Brotherhood Choir Dir.
Rev. Leland Adams, Brotherhood Choir Dir.
Bro. Luke Mercer, Jr., Brotherhood Choir Dir.
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